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Donating is a great way to show your support for the Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue. We are a nonprofit, noncommercial, volunteer-based organization that specializes in search and rescue services on land and at sea around the coast of Iceland.

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Make a donation by credit card via safe online transaction and support our volunteers.

Monthly Donor

Make a monthly donation via PayPal and support thousands of our search and rescue volunteers.

Root for Safety

For every donation we will plant a tree in a collaboration with The Icelandic Forestry Association

Adam Eiður ásamt eiginkonu sinni, Ingibjörgu.
N65° 9' 53" W-15° 18' 26"

Starfið á hug minn allan

Starfið stendur og fellur með fólkinu í landinu

Hugurinn leitaði frekar til hafs en fjalla

Höldum áfram að gera allt sem við getum

N64° 9' 13" W-21° 56' 58"

Eftirminnilegasta útkallið mitt

N64° 19' 7" W-22° 4' 51"

Þjálfun björgunarsveitarfólks er mjög mikilvæg

S-8° 57' 28" W-122° 3' 2"

Við verðum að vinna saman til að vera hérna

N65° 3' 20" W-13° 37' 52"


N64° 39' 20" W-14° 16' 57"

Með hjartað á réttum stað

S-56° 34' 24" W0° 19' 7"

Margir standa að baki hverjum björgunarsveitamanni